I say a prayer for every little Fur Baby out there looking for a home on this Christmas Season. I pray for all of those that have been adopted for "Christmas presents" that they will be IN their FUR EVER home and not an "until February" gets here home. So many people get a dog for Christmas and then grow tired of them and cast them away because they are chewing things up, pottying on the floor, or need too much attention. Puppies and kittens are like babies, they take our time and our attention. It isn't easy to train them, it isn't easy to raise them. If you wouldn't cast aside your child because the going gets tough, please do not cast away your pet for the same reasons. They are a part of your family too and deserve your love.
I look forward to the New Year and meeting and photographing many new dogs!
We had a snow storm several days ago that had high winds, and during that time we lost our power for a few hours. So I took that oppurtunity to corral my Molly and Karmen into a photo shoot. Didn't take much, just offering a few doggy treats and they were good to go. Below is a result of our little festive photo shoot.

They wish you all a Merry Christmas!
Over the weekend my family and I had the oppurtunity to stay at a hotel in Columbia, MO. Residence Inn by Marriott. They are a PET FRIENDLY hotel! Very lovely suites! They had a WONDERFUL contenintal breakfast, the indoor heated pool was lovely too! The staff was amazing, and they had dog treats at the front desk, and an area for your dogs to go potty with complimentary doggy bags and waste containment spot. Below are some photos of Molly and Karmen enjoying the hotel.

Our trip was rather spontaneous and I knew there was no way I could get them squeezed into one of the local boarders for the 2 days we were gone, so I was thrilled that the hotel was pet friendly! This was the first time my dogs have been in a hotel, or on a road trip that was longer than heading to the vets office or the boaders house. They did very well, I was proud of them. Seems like all of the obedience training I'm always attempting to do with them, actually paid off! They were on their best behavior while we were there. There was ONE time I was afraid there might be an issue....
We were getting off of the elevator and my gals were sitting at my feet waiting for us to get off at our floor. The elevator stopped the girls stood up and got to the doors right as the doors popped open and BAM walking into the elevator as we were walking out....a HUGE great dane. I'm not sure which of us was more suprised! I ended up shutting the elevator doors and picking my girls up and pushing the button again and trying that again. Went much smoother that time. The other pet owner and I had a good laugh at the suprised expressions on the dogs faces!
The dogs were good though, and it was nice to have the whole family together.
We had a bit of a family reunion over the weekend while we were out of town, which was nice. My kids got to meet some cousin their age so that was super adorable. I was able to take all of the youngers up to our hotel room and we made cookies, so it was so cute to see the cousins together baking and decorating cookies!

We're just sitting around home now...waiting for the youngest child to fall asleep. Santa has some presents he'd like to put out before 5 in the morning! However, the youngest son is being INSANELY difficult. Can't wait to see the kids and the dogs in the morning with all of their gifts!
Again, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, to you and all of your pets!
Mae (Fur Ever Yours Pet Photography, find us on Facebook too!)