Monday, October 29, 2012

Time to CATCH UP With Us!

So it's been ahwile since a new blog has been posted, and for that I apologize.  I have been busy and then quite frankly I lost my blogging mojo, awful I know. So bare with me because there is going to be a LOT of stuff just kind of crammed in here so if you can follow along without getting lost, that's fantastic! If you get lost...stay put and I will send a search party to find you *hehe* 

First and foremost we have a dog on the IN DANGER list.  His name, is HANK and he needs YOUR help to get him out of the shelter and into a loving FUR EVER HOME! IF the shelter gets full (which we are working hard to keep that  from happening by getting dogs adopted as quick as we can or sent to rescues to keep this guy safe) But IF the shelter gets full he WILL be in danger.  Let's SAVE HIM!

SHELTER ID # 364 Hank
STATUS: Available Now
 Name: Hank
Gender: Male, not neutered
Breed: Hound
Weight: 50-55lbs
Color: Black and brown
In Date: 10/6
Owner Relinquishment
Age: Adult 1-3 years
Adoption Fee: $10
Hank seems really friendly towards everyone he meets doesn't seem to mind
anyone or other dogs. A very sweet guy!
By Missouri State law you have 30 days to neuter this dog after adoption.
To adopt/foster/rescue Hank please call the shelter at: (660)833-7330See More

The shelter has been pretty busy lately, we've been working really hard to keep the kennels empty and getting dogs out as soon as they can.  We had 3 beautiful dogs that were on the *IN DANGER* list last week should the shelter get full. Blondie, Dixie, and Shayla  We worked SO HARD to keep the shelter from getting full.  I am happy to say that all 3 of these beautiful girls were adopted, and the 4th dog (Zeus) that had also been on the list but had then been taking to a foster home was also adopted. So 4 successful in danger adoptions for our shelter.  It makes my heart swell knowing these 4 beautiful dogs were adopted.  I wish we could have saved the last 4 awhile back but sadly it wasn't to be for them.  We didn't want a repeat, and thankfully the shelter hasn't been getting very full lately which is always a blessing.  We've been able to keep the kennels down to about half way full. (And we have 25 Kennels)
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Miss Shayla has been adopted! She was such a fun and sweet loveable dog!
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Sweet prim and proper Miss Dixie was also adopted!
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Fun and silly and sweet Miss Blondie  traveled all the way to
Illinois for her Fur Ever family!
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Zeuss is enjoying the country life now!
Right now we have Duke at the shelter, who is waiting for surgery, he tore his ACL and needs an operation but he cannot get this operation until his growth plate stops growing other wise they could do more damage.  Once he has this operation and heals he will be going on into the HOUNDS Program.  I think he also already has an adopter lined up as well which is fantastic! But for now he's hanging out at the shelter so he doesn't further injure himself.  We were collecting donations for his operation but I am not sure if we met his need or not, but we were directing all donations to Green Hills Vetinary Clinic in Moberly, MO. 
Sweet and fun Duke!

There is a dog named Elsie (used to be Princess before she got accepted into the HOUNDS Program) but she'll be on the safe list (she was almost on the in danger list).  She will be going to the HOUNDS Program now which is fantastic, she's such a very sweet girl.

There are also 3 pups at the shelter (Diego, Wishbone, and Bandit) possibly 2 of them will be going into the HOUNDS Program as well, just not sure which two.

SHELTER ID #361 (pic 1 of 1 -- Bandit)

Status: Available Now
Name: Bandit
Gender: Male, not neutered
Breed: Mix
Age: Puppy 5-6 months Aprox.
Color: White with black markings
In Date: 10/8
Owner Relinquishment
Shots: Wormer/Parvo
Adoption Fee: $25
Weight: 15-20lbs Aprox. (they are still young, still growing)

Bandit is a toy hoarder! He loves toys and will play with you, he loves to chase balls! He's a very good boy. He had all the volunteers laughing and we had a great time playing with him.

If interested in adopting/fostering/rescuing Bandit please call the shelter at: (660)833-7330 (LOCATION: Moberly, MO)

Upon adoption, by Missouri State law you have 30 days to get this dog neutered.

SHELTER ID # 360 (pic 1 of 1 -- Diego)

Status: Available now
Name: Diego
Gender: Male, not neutered
Age: Puppy 6 months
Color: Black
Breed: Mix
Shots: Parvo/wormed
In Date: 10/8
Owner Relinquish
Weight: 15-20lbs (Still a puppy, still growing)

Diego is a very sweet dog, who loves to play and chase toys and chew on raw hides. He's friendly and sweet and does good with kids and other dogs. He kept us all very entertained today!

If interested in Adopting/Fostering/Rescuing Diego please call the shelter at: (660)833-7330
(Location: Moberly, MO)

Upon adoption of this dog you have 30 days by Missouri State law to get him neutered.

SHELTER ID # 359 (Pic 1 of 1 -- Wishbone)

Status: Available Now
Name: Wishbone
Gender: Female NOT spayed
Color: White with brown markings
Age: Puppy Aprox. 5-6 months
Weight: 15-20lbs Aprox. (still a puppy still growing)
Breed: Mix
Shots: Wormer/Parvo
Adoption Fee: $25

Wishbone is a super cute and playful puppy he loves to chase after toys and would be more than happy to play with you all day long. Such a sweet pup who kept all of the volunteers entertained, he got along well with the other dogs and people, including kids.

If interested in adopting/fostering/rescuing Wishbone please call the shelter at: (660)833-7330
Location: Moberly, MO

By Missouri State Law you have 30 days to get this dog neutered upon adoption.
The rest of the dogs at the shelter include the following:

Status: Available 11/1/12
Name: Mr. Finnigan
Breed: Pug
Gender: Male
Color: Tan with black markings
In Date: 10/22
Picked up: W. Coates
Weight: 15-20lbs
Status: Still on 10 day hold to give owners a chance to
prove she is theirs if that doesn't happen she already
has an adopter lined up.
Name: Thelma
Gender: Female
Breed: Papillon mix?
Color: Brown with black markings
Weight: 10-15lbs
Age: 1 year
In Date: 10/25/12
Picked up: McKinley

Status: Available 11/4/12 (Still on her 10 day hold period)
Name: Louise
Gender: Female
Age: Young around a year
Breed: Mix
Color: Black with white marking
Weight: 35lbs Aprox.
In Date: 10/25/12
Picked up: McKinley
Adoption Fee: $10
Status: Available 11/1/12
Name: Phoebe (of Sugar)
Gender: Female
Age: Around a year
Color: Tan
Breed: Lab mix ?
Markings: Docked Tail
Weight: 35-40lbs Aprox.
In date: 10/23
Pick Up: Williams/Rollins
Adoption Fee: $10
Status: STILL AVAILABLE, in foster home
Name: Bella
Gender: Female, not spayed
Age: Around a year old
Color: Black with brown markings
Breed: Shep/Rotty mix possibly?
In Date: 9/5
Picked up: S. 5th Owner Surrender
The shelter will be participating in the Trick or Treat Trail down town on Halloween night.  We are currently collecting candy donations, we need enough candy for roughly 700 children! That's a LOT of candy! We also have a few dog biscuits to hand out to any dogs that come through all dressed up for Halloween. 

Also on Nov. 10th the shelter will be participating in the Veterans Day Parade, and on Dec. 1st we will also be participating in the Christmas Parade. 

It's good for the shelter to get involved in the community, that way people can KNOW there is a shelter here and get interested and maybe they will get involved with the shelter and want to know what they can do to help, and hopefully come and adopt!

Speaking of getting involved, this past Friday (Friday's are volunteer day at the shelter from 9:30am till 11:30am) It was a no school day so we had several young volunteers come on out and help! It wsa great! Thank you everyone! A family of 4 snuck away from me before I could get the group photo so we are minus 4 of the  volunteers but I think I got everyone else!

Thank you our amazing shelter volunteers, you are like gold to the dogs at the animalshelter! Thank you for volunteering your time and energy to these dogs.

Volunteering can be a family thing! You are never too old
or too young to come out and walk a dog or hold a dog!
Volunteering at the animal shelter is a great way to spend time
with your family and help some wonderful dogs.  This helps dogs
get socialized around a wide variety of ages and being with
a family.
2 of the pint sized volunteers that got away before the group volunteer
photo was taken.  I think they had a lot of fun.
This volunteer watches the puppies play in the
outside enclosure
This pup lays around and soaks up not only the sun but the attention
being given to him by this wonderful young volunteer.

This tiny tot hangs out with her mom and watches
the puppies as they play in the out door yard.

Thelma hangs out with her potential adopter
if her family doesn't come to claim her.  These
two just CLICKED and hit it right off together!

Our shelter finally has the yard fenced in so the dogs can run and play in the back now.  Oh my do they ever love it too! The puppies especially love being able to run and play togethe and our young volunteers love going in with the puppies and playing with them.  It makes us happy to see so many happy dogs and volunteers.  Our huge yard sale over the summer that raised just short of $1000 is what made this out door enclosure possible! Thank you to all who donated items, thank you to all who showed up to help run the yard sale! Thank you to all who showed up to BUY!
Front gate of the enclosure
Back gate of the enclosure
Shelter dog Blondie gives shelter volunteer a HUG while they play
in the new out door enclosure!
In November, after Thanksgiving we will be doing a "Santa Paws" fundraiser for the shelter.  There will be specific drop off locations around town for the community to play secret santa to the shelter.  We are collecting all kinds of things for the shelter, food, toys, collars, leashes, chew bones, anything and everything a dog might possibly need.  Funding for the shelter can be taken to the Police Station.  We appreciate any and all donations to the animal shelter.

In September my 5 year old daughter who loves volunteering at the animal shelter decided that instead of getting presents for her 5th birthday she was going to collect items for the dogs at the shelter, and that's exactly what she did.  She was so very happy that she did this for the dogs.  She collected bleach, dog food, dog treats, chew toys, dog bones, and all kinds of items to give to the shelter.  She was thrilled! She is happy to know that the dogs love to play with all of the items that she collected for her 5th birthday.  We encourage everyone to do the same! Instead of asking for presents for your birthday why not ask someone to make a donations to the animal shelter in your name? It is a fantastic idea!
Here, my daughter Kamilah poses with the Animal Control Officer, Tina with all of the items she
collected and donated to the Animal Shelter for her 5th birthday. They are posing in front
of our homecoming float too (the shelter also participated in the homecoming parade)
To those who are in the path of Hurricane Sandy, please stay safe but also do not forget about your pets.  IF you have pets in a pen outside or on a chain out side please please bring them in for a couple of days.  Do not make them ride out this storm outside, no matter how "good" their shelter is.  There is no shelter better than them being in safely with their family.  If you have to evacuate please do not leave your pets behind their are several sites that are pet friendly. Do not forget food, pet ID, pet carriers, leashes, and water for your pet, and any meds your pet might need.  Pets are part of the family too! PET FRIENDLY EVACUATION SITES

Photos from the Homecoming Parade back in September! (Sorry a bit late getting all this done!)
One of our favorite volunteers, Jody, drove the golf cart in the Homecoming Parade,
while her husband drove his really cool truck in the parade for us! All the kids
thought the golf cart was pretty fun.
Several young shelter friends stands about waiting for the parade to start
(yes that would be my Molly and Karmen they are holding onto for the parade)
Volunteers waiting for more dogs to show up so they can walk them in the parade!
Shelter volunteers wait for the parade to start as they give last minute parade
Another good family oppurtunity with the animal shelter!
The cool classic truck that pulled our float in the home coming parade!
Sweet Oreo (who has been adopted recently) hanging out with a shelter volunteer
as he waits for the parade to start.
Our homecoming float!
Kamilah, Sheila, and Jody hanginging out on the golf cart waiting for the parade to start

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Let's get this parade started!

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And here we go! The dogs behaved very well in the parade!
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There were quite a few FRIENDS OF THE SHELTER! 
Walking in front of the golf cart were dogs available for ADOPTION,
the ones walking behind the golf cart were dogs that BELONGED
to people already and were just walking as friends of the shelter.
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The crowd LOVED the shelter dogs we heard a lot of
positive things about the shelter during the parade.
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A cool group of volunteers walking shelter dogs
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Look at that group walking dogs in need of homes!
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who by the time parade was over, were just as wore out
as the dogs were!