I've been worried about the Macon shelter and have been hoping that someone would start doing this for them soon. So I am definetley thrilled to see what these young ladies are doing. Maybe eventually we can work on a project together to help our shelters, and get some dogs adopted! I love it when people get involved and CARE about their local shelter!
Anything that helps save these dogs lives, is wonderful!
If you would like to check out their Facebook page, please look for it here: Macon Animal Shelter
I am so looking forward to all of the wonderful things these ladies will be doing for their shelter. Way to go Girl Scout Troop 9501! Keep up the great work!
Our own shelter in Moberly, will be participating in the local Veterans Day Parade on Saturday Nov. 10th. I do not have a time or location as of yet, I am hoping to have that this week from the Shelter Volunteer who is heading up our participation in the local parades.
We have a few upcoming projects that we will be tackling after Thanksgiving and I am very excited to start them! Have already been getting a bit of a head start, and have some other projects lined up for this spring as well! I am very excited for the upcoming events and such!!
I am loving all of the volunteers we've had coming out, we appreciate all of the hard work from everyone, you guys are wonderful! All it takes is one volunteer to get the ball rolling!
I am so very happy that a friend asked me to come to the shelter back in March/April of this year. Going in to that shelter has been one of the best things that has happened. I've met so many AMAZING people, have saved the lives of MANY dogs, and have been able to do so many amazing things I never would have gotten a chance to do otherwise. Going into that shelter, and beginning to photograph those dogs, and then from there creating the Facebook page for the shelter, and this blog, and the Shelter Twitter page...it's all been amazing. It's made a difference in the lives of dogs in our community. It's helping them get adopted into loving homes, and not meet their fate in a horrible gas chamber.
Every single volunteer that comes to help at the shelter, you are saving lives. You are making a difference! You MATTER!
Get involved. What do you have to lose? Think about all that you GAIN!
You might even add a new furry member to your family that you didn't even know you were missing!
It makes you feel good to help others who need your help.
You are doing a GOOD THING .
There are so many other benefits to volunteering at your local animal shelter!
There are so many WAYS inwhich you can help.
- Share our posts. Share the dogs that we post on the page, tell your friends ABOUT out Facebook page, and about the shelter. Tell them how to get to the shelter, and tell them when Volunteer days are and that EVERYONE is important.
- Tell people to adopt from the shelter, adopt, don't shop.
- Encourage people to spay and neuter their pets.
- Show up and volunteer your time to walk a dog.
- Sponsor a dog (you can pay all or part of a dogs adoption fee, or if a dog needs some kind of medical care you can donate to go towards that)
- When you have a birthday party or something have people donate items to the shelter in your name (my 5 year old daughter just did that this September, collected donations for the shelter instead of getting presents for herself. If a 5 year old can do that, than so can an adult!).
- Adopt from the shelter.
- Become a foster.
- Help transport a dog to a rescue group (or help pay for gas so someone can transport a dog to a rescue group!)
- Show up and volunteer at one of our events (either an adoption event, or help at a parade, or something like that).
- Donate. The shelter always needs bleach, collars, leashes, food bowls, toys, dog beds, blankets, chew bones, dog treats, and money. Donations are ALWAYS awesome!
- Do you have an idea on a fundraiser you can do for the shelter? Are you a local group (Church/Girl Scouts/Boy Scouts/4H etc etc) that wants to get involved? Call the shelter and see HOW you can help. Your help is NEEDED, your help is WANTED. All you have to do is take that first step!
Call the shelter at (660)833-7330 to find out how YOU can be of assistance!