My sweet little Princess turned 6 years old on the 19th, hard to believe that 6 years have flown by. She's quite the little girl! Some days she's sassy and other days she's the sweetest little girl you ever met. I'm very proud of the sweet and wonderful child she is growing into, proud that she is able to stand up for herself and her friends.
She had a pretty awesome Sleeping Beauty themed birthday party that went over well with her little friends.
A few days before her birthday I took her out to do her birthday photos and I am pretty happy with how they turned out. It was a lot of fun walking through the woods with my family!
The day we did her birthday photos, also happened to be her Daddy's 29th birthday and I was able to snap this super sweet photo of Daughter and Daddy. |
I was also super lucky to snap this photo of my husband and our kids! It's nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get a decent photo of the four of them! Can't wait to have this photo printed and framed. It is my husband's favorite photo. |
The kids at my daughters birthday really enjoyed the photo booth that was sat up and all of the dress up clothes they got to play with. They were absolutely adorable! Photos booths are such a hit with kids, they can dress up and be silly and play pretend and just have a really great time, and it's fun for all ages.
My daughter is enjoying Kindergarten and so am I! Although, I've decided elementary is quite the expensive little adventure! Fundraisers, field trips, and so much more! School pictures are next week (I have always loved school picture day ever since I was in elementary). I am that odd ball mom who chooses the "natural" photos when it comes to school pics. I don't like the air brushing and stuff they do on the school pics. I want to see what my daughter looked like in kindergarten, down to any little blemish she MAY or MAY NOT have on her face that day (which being in kindergarten I'm sure she'll be long as they do photos before lunch...and she is sure to wash her face off after breakfast at school, ha!) Her preschool pictures have always turned out really good anyway. I've already decided that her hand out pictures for her class mates will not be the school pics, first of all you don't get nearly enough of them in a package to hand out to class mates, and I don't feel like ordering extras. So I'm going to print off some fun pics we took for the whole first day of kindergarten thing, and she can hand those out as wallet size photos to her class mates. They have a little more personality than the ones the school does. Now to let her decide which one she wants to print off as wallets and had out to her teacher and class mates!
Personally this would be one of my top choices... |
This would probably be one of HER first choices (though I do love this one) |
This would be another one of my choices |
Or this one.... |
Ok so this isn't my daughter...but it's her dog and she was in a "training session" on learning how to model for photos, ha! |
If you are looking to capture your child's special day or want some "just for fun" photos Fur Ever Yours is ready to help you capture the moments!