2014 will mark a year since I created the Facbook page and blog for Fur Ever Yours (F.E.Y.) and it's been such a fun year! I've met lots of new people, traveled to a few new places (granted not very FAR places but I've still done a tiny bit of traveling). Gotten some much needed experience, and looking forward to getting even more experience behind my camera this year.
Here's a quick look back at some of my favorite images from 2013. I could have chosen so many more that were my favorite, but I decided these 3 collages were my top pic picks (Say that 3x fast)!

I decided with a new year I'd roll out a new look as well.
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The new water mark for 2014 |
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This has been the water mark of choice for my photos since the beginning of F.E.Y. Photography. |
To start my new year out, I photographed a GORGEOUS guy named King. He's one very handsome guy and he was a well behaved stinker. Yes, he was quite the big stinker. On the way to the dog park, he lulled me into a false sense of security. Leaning on me, giving me a couple of sobbery dog kisses, and resting his paw on me and staring his brown eyes into my face. I was all "Ooooh wookie here, I made a new best fwiend, whose a dood boy whose a dood boy?!" (Maybe it was the baby talk that caused what came next? Who knows, normally I avoid "baby" talking dogs, but this particular day I just couldn't avoid it...or what came next). "The King" decided that now that he had my sole attention he was going to try and gas me out of the truck with his noxious farts. I've never smelled a dog fart be this horrible before. I had to roll the truck window and hang my head out the window for gulps of fresh air. I'm sure it was quite the sight, and I am 100% certain that King was laughing at me. I still smelled of dog fart by the time I got home, even though I spent probably close to an hour "airing out" at the dog park. That's a smell, that will linger.

The new year has started out quite snowy and bitterly cold. We were actually under a wind chill advisory, as was a huge portion of the Midwest. Not ideal temps to be out and about! Thankfully the day before all this new snow and deep freeze cold hit us, it was a pretty nice day and the kids and I managed to get some play time outside! unfortunately during said snow man building and snow ball fighting fun time, the keys to our van were lost outside, unbeknown to me, and now there is a huge snow drift in our back yard that they are probably buried under. We may not be going anywhere until July. Apparently, we are supposed to be expecting even more snow, yay...is it too late to relocate, to like...Florida?
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My son, off in his own little world, gleefully building a snow Christmas tree in the back yard. |
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My daughter informed me that "This is NOT my angry face, this is my THINKING face, MOM" Ok, gotchya. That's some SERIOUS thinking going on. She is trying to decide how she wants to build her snow girl. |
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My little lady is growing up on me far too quickly. I remember when she was just a baby and was this little baldish baby with just a hint of red hair. Now she has a full head of the most gorgeous red hair, that NEVER seems to have a bad hair day. She still has those gorgeous eye lashes and such a sweet little nose, and has always had the prettiest of pink lips. I hope my daughter always knows how beautiful she is and just always let's her inner beauty shine!
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My little bubble gum Princess also learned to blow real bubbles over her Christmas break/snow days. She is very proud of herself too.
One of the biggest things that I am looking forward to is photographing my nephew that is due in March! I am happy for my little sister and am excited to meet the little guy in only a few more weeks. March isn't all that far away! Newborn photos are some of my favorites. I have so many fond memories and emotions that newborn photos of my own children bring back to me and I like to capture that moment for others.
However, it got me to thinking. There are lots of BEAUTIFUL and amazing newborn photographers out there (many of them right in my own area and there is one in particular who just blows me away with the beauty of her images). Newborn photos aren't as easy as what most people MIGHT think they are. Newborn babies aren't pliable little balls of mush you can just shape any which way you would like. They are little bundles of precious joy you need to be extra cautious with. Yes, capturing BEAUTIFUL images is what a photographer wants to do, but they should ALWAYS keep the safety of your newborn first and foremost. A lot of newborn photography is done with composite imagery and photo shopping. Doesn't make the photos any less beautiful, just means it's safer for your child. Seriously, would you want your child placed in a crocheted sack tied to a tree branch and dangled above the ground? That doesn't sound too safe does it? That's because it isn't. Those images are done very carefully and with the use of photo shop and TONS of talent from your photographer. Those types of images, while GORGEOUS are slightly out of my personal reach right now. Eventually, in the future they are something I WOULD like to explore, but there are other areas of photography I feel I must learn first. Like getting to know my camera better, working with the lighting better, and a few other important things. While I LOVE to do newborn photos and jump at the chance to do them, you will not see me attempting something I do not feel comfortable with doing, I do not want to put a baby in danger. If those are images you are desperately seeking, I've no trouble pointing you in the direction of someone who has the skill and knowledge to safely do those special images.
So above all, be safe, be creative, but most importantly keep you and your clients safe. Enjoy this new year, I know I'm looking forward to it. Mae |
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