Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Busy Day! A Rescue Day and a Sad Day!

Yesterday was a very busy day!

It started out very sad, but ended on a happy note.  I'm hoping for many happy days, and fewer and fewer sad days.

Yesterday morning a few dogs had to be put down.  Poor Simba was among them, he tried to bite someone at the shelter, and that's not good.  But I still wish he could have gotten out of there!

There were also some  sick puppies at the shelter that had to be put down too, unfortunately the shelter does not have the funding to be able to afford all of the vetting that some of these dogs recquire.  Without that funding, dogs die.  In this case, puppies died. 

You can HELP US by sponsoring a dog at the shelter.  This includes covering vet costs, shots, worm medicine, parvo shots, vet check ups.  This stuff does NOT come free for the shelter, they have to pay for it, and if your shelter doesn't have a lot of support from the community, funding is low.  Which makes it very difficult to care for these dogs.  More dogs die.

However, even though some dogs died yesterday, 5 dogs were sent to a rescue group in Illinois.  Thank you to Fortunate Pooches and Lab Rescue they took Ryder, Bruce, Harietta, and 2 puppies that were new to the shelter (dumped puppies).  Thank you so much for rescuing these babies! I hope they all find homes quickly, and we look forward to working with you again! It was REALLY hard for me to fight back the tears as Ryder and Bruce left the shelter.  I've grown attatched to those two boys, and it made me sad to think I wouldn't see them again, but it also made me SO HAPPY to know they wouldn't BE at that shelter anymore, they are going somewhere, that will help them find a HOME and they won't have the fear of being gassed.  Love you Ryder and Bruce! Going to miss you!!
Ryder with one of the transport drivers, he was excited
to get on the road! I heard he did a VERY good job on the 7 hour drive!

Bruce also ready to go on the 7 hour drive to his new destination!
He did a great job as well on the drive.  Way to go Bruce!

One of the new pups that had just come in to the shelter
yesterday that was a dump puppy.  Wishing her the best of luck!

Another dumped pup we were calling Sable, she was new to the
shelter yesterday too.  Wishing her the best of luck as well!

Harrietta ready to go on her 7 hours drive! She did a great job!

This free's up some MUCH needed space in the shelter.  This time of year is VERY busy and puppies come in left and right.  Over crowding means more dogs will die.  Older dogs (either in age or that have been at the shelter the longest) are the first to go, along with dogs showing aggression or illness.

Congrats Freddy!

Freddy and his new FUR EVER family!

Beautiful Milly!
Some dogs also graduated from the HOUNDS program yesterday as well, which means some more dogs will be entering the program after they have been spayed and neutered.  Freddy and Milly graduated the program yesterday. Freddy has already been adopted and went to live with his FUR EVER family yesterday, and Milly will be in Foster care until her new owners are ready to bring her home. Way to go guys!

Right now Mary Ann needs a home, pronto.  She's a little bit older, around 4 years old, and she's been at the shelter for a few weeks. She's had many litters of puppies that's all she's ever known.  She needs a loving home where she will be spayed and spoiled rotten.  If you can help, please contact us!

You will be missed Simba.  I'm sorry we couldn't get you out.
So very very sorry :(  Sorry I failed you buddy. You were
a good and beautiful dog who deserved so much more
in life. 

Mahala (Shelter Volunteer Photographer)

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