Patches is still very vocal, she is definetely the dominate kitty cat! Cinders is more of the quiet follower, but she's one heck of a toe stalker! My toes have taken a beating from the little toe and ankle biter. She's a sweet heart though. They enjoy running around the dining room pouncing on anything that moves (including my children) who run scurrying, hahaha.
They love to be held and cuddled and I am more than happy to oblige. They are so sweet. It is going to be sad to give them up, but I just can't/won't keep them. Karmen just does NOT like cats and I'm so afraid of what she might do to them. Molly would be "ok" with cats, she's played with them a lot of times before and never hurt anyone and they got along fine. Karmen though, she just gets so upset. Doesn't help the darn cats TEASE her the entire time she's outside on her lead. Darn cats. I'd be upset too if they teased me.
Took Molly and Karmen to the local dog park for the first time the other day and they had so much fun. I was really impressed with their behavior. I was so afraid they'd be little doggy psycho's and be mean to other dogs (not that they have ever really done that before, but I still worried!). It's like how when you are at home your kids at one way and drive you in sane, and then when you take them into public they are suddenly good and all the manners you've been trying to teach them that you didn't think they were paying attention to...they seem to suddenly use and know every single one. Yeh, that was Molly and Karmen at the dog park the other day.
I was impressed, and relieved.
The dog park is REALLY nice. Granted, I think the "small" park section COULD have been nicer. Those dogs seemed to get ripped off a bit, they don't even have any shade :( over there. However, the BIG dog section is HUGE. Lots of trees, water for them to drink, big boulders to climb on, a bench to sit on and a picnic table, hills to run up and down, they can run down near the lake (they can't get IN the water and are a very safe distance from the water but can still run down and bark at the geese or whatever! They get a great view of the lake essentially. So my gals since they are medium sized, I let them hang out in the big dog section and they had a blast. They were comfortable and so happy! They don't get to run loose often since we can't have a fenced in yard where we are, and they are on leads to go potty and play outside so they don't get to run much. So this huge dog park was heaven to them!
The Furry Friends playdate was fun, there weren't too many people there this time, but it was still fun. A couple dogs currently residing in foster homes were there at the park looking for a possible fur ever home. Bailey and Tuti were there trying to sniff out a fur ever home candidate.
Neither one had any luck this time, but you never know about next time!
It was good to see so many other doggy owners (or furry children parents). So many adorable fur babies hanging out at the amazing dog park. Loved it! Next time I am there I will take some photos of the park so people can see what it's like.
Tonight though instead of taking my gals clear across town to the dog park I took them to the smaller park near my home. I let the girls run around the tennis courts no one was using (personally I don't think I have ever seen anyone use those tennis courts since I've lived in this town going on 10 years now!) Unless you count parents letting their kids roller skate or ride their bikes there, or corraling antsy toddlers who want to run and run and keep trying to head for the parking lot instead of staying on the play equipment while their older siblings are playing. So I figured I'd let Molly and Karmen have a good run. They wore themselves out pretty good!! We came home and they were out like furry little lights.
Hoping that RYDER can get adopted out to his FUR EVER home this week. He's been at the shelter for over a month now, and that's never good. Ryder is around a year old, a sheperd mix, about 30lbs or close to it. He would not do so good around chickens/ducks/geese though. So keep him clear of any birds like that. Would like to see this boy out in the country (Just no farms with birds previously mentioned!) where he can RUN and RUN and not be kept inside all the time in a kennel, where he develops bad chewing habits and gets himself into trouble. He needs attention. He needs to play. He needs your time and attention as all dogs do.
I guess the shelter has some new puppies as well, but I am not sure when I'll be able to go by the shelter and photograph them. But I'll get there as soon as I can!
One of my 3 year old sons has his cancer scans on Tuesday and Thursday so my week is going to be a little on the nerve wracking and chaotic side as I have "scanxiety" for my son! We've been going through this since he was 2 months old. Scans, and all that "fun" cancer stuff. We got Molly right after Keegan was out of treatment. Actually, Molly was Keegan's "1 year cancer diagnosis" gift. We got her the end of July 2010, and Keegan was diagnosed with cancer on July 31st 2009. So Molly really means a lot to our family. She's been a huge blessing. She has been there and comforted our son through so much. For a little guy my son knows when scans are coming (probably cause he feeds off of his Mommy's nervous energy!) But Molly knows just the right time to give him kisses (and kisses for her mama too!) and lay next to him on the couch or go snuggle with him in Mommy's bed because Keegan has just been completely over whelmed. Molly and Karmen are really good therapy for Keegan right now as he's really struggling in the behaviorial area. These dogs (and the kittens too) are really helping him. Really helping him talk more, giving Keegan someone to talk when he feels upset, and often times Keegan feels "left out" when playing with the other kids but Molly and Karmen NEVER leave Keegan out, they always have tons of love and play time for him! Love my furry girls, they are perfect for our family.
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Marshall, Keegan, and Kamilah giving huge love to Karmen as they tell the world that childhood cancer stinks, but it doesn't stop kids from being kids! |
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Molly the notorious photo bomber LOL |
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I swear my daughter and Molly are wearing the same facial expression. MOM enough pictures! We're DONE! |
The dogs are also very intutive to my other son Marshall who has a seizure disorder. Thankfully his seizures aren't severe, but the dogs know, especially Molly, when something isn't "right" even if I can't tell. Molly and Karmen stay right with him.
My daughter who is older than her brothers, has her doggy sisters to play with, and talk to. Her little brothers and their medical problems upset her because she knows Mommy and Daddy worry about her brothers and that one brother has had "icky cancer" and has to go to the hospital often soon and he could get sick again so that's why he has to go to the hospital every so often to make sure the icky cancer is staying gone. That is a lot for a 4 year old to have to deal with sometimes. You wouldn't think it would affect them that much, but it does. Molly and Karmen are always right there for her too. When she's upset they cheer her up, they lay with her. Molly always lays with Kamilah at night until she falls asleep, and Karmen will lay on the bed during story time (then Molly kicks Karmen off the bed).
Great dogs, smart dogs. I'm glad they are my dogs!
Do you have any children with medical problems? OR do you have a medical problem and have a pet that seems to be very intune with you?
I remember growing up my Mother was diabetic and when she would have a low blood sugar our cat would flock to her and lay right next to her and not leave her alone, that was always my Mother's first clue she was about to have a low blood sugar. It's amazing how intune with us our pets can be.
We've all heard the stories of shelter dogs that have been rescued from the shelter, then turning around and rescuing their owners days or weeks later? Yah, pets are pretty amazing. They know when they are loved. They know things we don't.
Where would we be without our pets?
Thank you pets for knowing us so well, and loving us pet owners even if we aren't perfect! For loving us for the days where we don't have time to play, where supper is a bit later than usual, for running errands and being gone longer than we intended to be, and understanding when we come home to find you've had an accident, for loving us and being incredibly excited to see us when we've been out of town and you've been at the sitter. For always loving us, for making us smile when we are sad, for having patience with us when we're upset, for always knowing when we need a lick, a paw, a purr, or a snuggle. Thank you dear pets!
And in a way to both show off how AWESOME your dogs are, and to raise funding for the local animal shelter, there will be a fun community dog show during Rail Road days this year! YAY! How exciting is that?! The dog show will be on June 7th, with registration starting at 4:30pm but I think they said you can pre-register at the police station? It is $15 to register for all 5 categories, but kids 10 and under are $5 for the kid/dog categories. There will be categories like cutest eyes, best 6 legs, most disobedient, cutest puppy, most loveable. The show starts at 5pm and goes till 7pm! Hope to see you all there! Can't wait to see some gorgeous dogs in the community coming out to raise money for the local shelter. It takes the whole community to care for these dogs! They need us!
Also Sissy and Topsy were adopted out this past week! Way to go ladies! Wishing you the very best!
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Way to go Sissy!! Sissy is great with kids and LOVES to play ball. Such a sweet beagle/terrier mix! |
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Topsy here is now going to be spending her days living on the lake and enjoying time in a boat! WOW! One lucky dog! |
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How to get to the animal shetler! |
And Ruthie and Jody made it to their rescue groups in Minnesota today! Way to go ladies! I'm so happy for you! Wishing you the very very best. Beautiful ladies! I know they will find a fantastic home.
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