Dr. Seuss one of my faaaavorite children's author would be 109 years old. Wow! I have always adooored his books and my children have had them read to them since before they were even born. I even considered naming my sons Thing One and Thing Two and my daughter was almost named Cindy Lou Who.
Yes, of course I jest! I'm not that crazy, most days.
Horton and Lorax would have been MUCH better names for my sons, and well I still like the sound of Cindy Lou Who, hey don't judge me.
So the kids and dug through the book case (When I say the kids and I, I really mean THEY did it they pulled every book out of the book case and found every single Dr. Seuss book we own, which is like all of them). Anyway, we read the books and did fun activities to go along with them. When I say fun, I mean fun for them and to me they were "seemingly good ideas at the time but once I got started I found myself pulling out my hair screaming WHYYYYYY DID YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF!!"
Hey the kids had fun that's all that matters in the long right? Right. RIGHT!
Just keep telling yourself that.
We sat about making the traditional green eggs and ham only ours wasn't so traditional because they were deviled eggs with dyed green goopy deviled egg filling that unbeknowesnt to ME, the little boy I was babysitting while his Mommy was at work...hated food coloring in his foods and wouldn't eat it, period. Ooops. Sorry kid. Everyone else ate the awesome green eggs. I was also out of ham...soooo we substituted bacon. Bacon is technically ham, right? I mean it all comes from a PIG!
There was also Who pudding (vanilla pudding with raisins), and I painstakingly made slice after slice of toast (thank goodness we brought a new toast recently that you don't have to stand there and hold down the toasty mechanism to make it stay on to toast, THAT would have been a pain in the rump!)
I cut them out in little fishy shapes (thank you cookie cutters!) and I even took some cream cheese and colored some red and some blue.
Well what am I telling you for? I can just show you the picture.

The next day I had a genuis idea to make some "Cat in the Hat" cupcakes. Totally genuis till I realized I was out of nearly everything needed to make cake, including the boxed cake mix. Tragedy. TRAAAGEDY!!
I did snag a recipe that lo and behold didn't need ANY of the items I was out of! YAY! So they were made, and they were ate and they were great. Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

(Psst that was a poor poor attempt at being Dr. Seussian)
Anyway, I've been stuck inside so my brain is scrambled from having 5 screaming children run through my house all day and asking when they can go outside and play, and getting the dogs riled up and barking. Cartoons blaring all day just ATTEMPTING to keep them pacified and not jumping around like ape men on the furniture. I apologize for any loopiness. I think other moms may understand where I'm coming from on this? If not, they must have spent their snow days locked in their safe room avoiding the snow time catastrophe that is children stuck inside for a week, that are all 5 and 3 years old.
So what do you do when you are stuck inside? Well other than taking Ibuprofen every 4-6 hours to deal with the headaches caused by the above mentioned chaos, you cook! Did a lot of cooking, ok well not really a LOT of cooking but I cooked a few yummy things I might not have ordinarly cooked if I hadn't been snowed in.
Like chicken and veggie, rice soup. Which I cannot lie, I did not make. The neighbor who knew I was dealing with a cold ontop of chasing kids took pity on me and came over with the ingredients for the soup and cooked up. Nice to not have to cook when sick! With all that snow on the ground and it being cold it hit the spot. Who can pass up soup? Not me! I'll take mine with lots of cheese and a dallop of sour cream.

Sunday morning I had a taste for cinnamon rolls, they were very delicious and I cannot wait to make them again! They looked good, smelled good and tasted OOOOOH MY WOW, DELICIOUS. I still almost drool looking at them now....Mmmm and they smelled delicious.

See, playing with your food can be FUN!
I've always thought taking pictures of food was fun and I love to share all the yummy looking things I make, when I say share I really mean I'll show you a picture of that delicious snack or meal I just made and ate without you, but here you can look at this picture and pretend to know how good it tasted. To be fair, I really would share if I could.
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