Saturday, March 23, 2013

Will Spring Be Arriving Soon?

Just when I think that spring is coming, winter has to rear it's ugly head again and prove that it isn't done with us quite yet.  I guess we're due 6-8" of snow this weekend.  Lovely.  I thought we were done with this.  I was looking forward to spring photos, but I can work with more winter photos.

This weekend we also had company from Oklahoma visiting! It was wonderful to have them at our home for a few days.  We went bowling, and made cupcakes and played the Kinect.  Lots of fun times were had! I think the bowling was my favorite though.  My kids had never been before and my daughter is quite the little bowler! The boys did really well too, I was proud of all three of them. 

Today was a busy day in my house hold.  This afternoon my daughter and I attened a Mother/Daughter tea party that the local parks and rec put on.  We've gone to it every year and really enjoy going.  This year Miss Missouri 2012 Tippe Emmott was the guest speaker, and she did a very nice job.  She was very friendly and took her time talking with the children.  She even taught the children some ballet moves, which was adorable.  I really enjoy the time spent with my daughter at these little tea parties.

After we got home from the tea party.  My son Keegan and I went to the Cancer Survivor Appreciation Dinner hosted by the local American Cancer Society.  I always feel a little akward when we go to these events because no one realizes that HE is the survivor, not me.  Well, I feel in a way like I'm a "survivor" too, but not like he is.  We've survived cancer in different ways.  He survived it by actually HAVING IT and being the one to go through all of the surgeries and chemo's and medicines and all of the torture he's gone through since he was born because of it.  I've survived all of the stress, fear, tears, pain that mom's feel watching their children fight a monster that you can't destroy for them.  It's painful, and difficult.  My son, is my hero. 
These are Keegan's beads he has earned through the BEADS OF COURAGE program
from the course of his cancer treatment, and on going scans. 
The dinner was lovely and we met a very wonderful couple, who was actually on the local news last year.  She underwent cancer treatments for a type of skin cancer, while pregnant.  I look forward to speaking with this woman and her family again at future ACS functions and over the phone!

After the Survivors Appreciation Dinner my husband and I took the kids to a kids concert.  "Stinky Feet" (Jim Cosgrove).  He is a big hit in our town and we always love it when he comes to perform here.  The kids had a fantastic time, and so did my husband and I.  The kids got to go on stage at the end of the show along with several parents and their children (my husband and I included), It was really a lot of fun and we look forward to him coming back next year! After the show was over we snapped a photo right quick with Mr. Stinky Feet himself.  

Now if the snow would stop and go away, it'd be great. 

In the meantime, I've been participating in the I Heart Faces photo challenges (you can check out I Heart Faces on Facebook).  Here are a few of the photo challenges I've posted.

This challenge was ART (my son Marshall's favorite art work)

This challenge was Eye Level, and my daughters favorite "stink eye"

This challenge was In My Bag

This challenge was Big Vs. Small

This challenge was Something Green

This challenge was My Morning Beverage


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