Monday, March 4, 2013

Stylin' Dogs

So before we had all of this snow a local business hosted a doggy pet fashion show.  It was a lot of fun and there were several dogs there.  I even brought out my own two girls after I made up some little cave girl costumes for them. Something fun and silly to do and I really enjoyed getting to be there.  Thank you Orcheln's for hosting this doggy fashion show!

My little Miss Karmen Sue rocking her cave woman dress

Karmen and Molly with their "eye on the prize" AKA
dog treats in Mommy's hand that is NOT holding the camera

Molly is licking her lips saying "just give me that treat already
I'm being GOOD!"

Thank you to my friend Amanda for snapping this photo of
Molly and I.  Molly is dancing on stage for the judges. 

Molly doing her little dance

I had to pose in a pic with both my girlies!

Shawnda and Jody two great ladies I have the pleasure
to work with to help the shelter and the dogs
there.  It's a lot of fun, never a dull moment!

This is Snickers, the prettiest giant fish I've ever seen. 
Molly was totally not into that giant fish idea though. 
(Maybe she thought the fish had swallowed poor Snickers

and would come after her next?)  Either way, I thought this dog was

The girls were pretty well behaved, for them anyway.  Molly is always my wild card never really sure how she'll react to different situations which is something we're working on.  On this particular day she decided she didn't like big dogs, or small dogs or giant dogs wearing giant fish costumes.  Honestly?  I don't understand who could have a problem with a dog in a fish costume, but Molly found a way to not like it.  Good thing I don't take her fishing.

She also hates vacuumes, the steam shark, the broom, my daughters toy baby doll stroller and that's just a few of her disklikes. 

After we hung out at the doggy fashion show (which neither girl placed, but hey they were fairly well behaved so that's a win in my book! I even got Molly to dance around on stage a little and both girls sat when asked so that's a big deal for them!)  They really showed me how much they were paying attention to all I was training them.  Granted...I always had to offer them a dog treat but it worked.  We're working on taking away those treats and replacing it with just verbal praise.

Anyway after the dog show we went out to the dog park so the girls could run around and play and I got to break out my new DSLR Canon Rebel and take a few photos of the girls playing, they got to be my first guinea pigs using the new camera! I LOOOOVE IT! I still have a lot to learn about this camera but I will get there. It will just take practice and patience. Below are photos from the dog park with the new camera.

Molly with that WILD AND CRAZY look in her eyes that she gets when she is
running like a crazy woman!! I swear the older she gets the crazier she gets.
She will be 3 in May!

Molly and Karmen posing pretty at the dog park

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