Monday, May 14, 2012

Photographing At the Shelter Tomorrow!

Happy Monday everyone, I hope you all had a great start to your week.  Here at my house it was pretty quiet, well kind of.  When you are fostering tiny kittens who want to eat every 3 hours they can get pretty vocal if you aren't there right away with the milk!

When you have 3 little extra set of hands trying to help you too that can also cause some noise and chaos.  Thankfully these kittens seem to be pretty laid back. 

I was also to snap some new photos of the kittens this afternoon, they still aren' the greatest photos but they work for now. 

Though I must say it has been ages since I hand fed baby kittens! Growing up I was always taking care of litters of kittens, atleast 1 or 2 a summer and I had very high success rates and many of those kittens were even younger than the 2 I have now.  Which those 2 are about to turn into 4.  There are 2 more baby kittens I have to get to soon.  Still trying to figure that part out, it's not easy catching them.  I don't want that orange tom to kill them, or a neighbors dog, or for them to turn into MORE feral cats in the neighborhood.  Frankly we have ENOUGH of those cats we don't want/need anymore running around. If I had the money I would catch every female cat and have it spayed and given some shots and released again since so many of them are far too feral to ever think about finding homes for.  But atleast this way they wouldn't be having anymore kittens.  But alas, I'm only one person and cannot even come close to being able to afford that dream of spaying them all!

I am going to be rehoming the kittens. At this point in my life I'm not ready to have a cat as a full time part of our family.  My twin sons are just not gentle enough for cats at the moment.  It's a work in progress and I'm hoping that some day soon we CAN welcome a cat into our home.  (I LOVE tabby cats of any and all colors, give me a tabby and I'm a happy gal!)

I really really want these kittens to be indoor cats. Their mama was a ferral outside cat as I'm sure was their  father.  I really don't want that life for them.  I want people who are going to spay them, give them their shots, keep them in the house, by them cat toys and cat treats, play with them, spoil them, pet them, love them let them sleep on the bed, take them to the vet when needed.  I want these cats living in the lap of luxury.  I think they deserve it.  I'd like to break that feral wild cat cycle with these kittens! But for now they will be hanging out at my house until I feel they are strong enough and old enough and litter box trained to move on to a Fur Ever home. 

Had to make a run to the vet this morning for antibiotics for their little eyes.  Hoping that takes care of the goopies in the next few days.  Can't stand to see their eyes all matted shut just breaks my heart.  Worked around the clock to keep their eyes from matting and it just kept getting worse so hopefully this medicine will do the trick for them.

Tomorrow afternoon my Karmen lady will go and get shaved for the summer. She's an American Husky/Terrier mix and definetely has the husky fur poor girl! I don't want her to be hot and miserable all summer long so she'll be getting groomed.  Can't wait to see how she looks!  She's never been groomed before so I'm hoping she cooperates.  Normally all we need to do with her is wash her every couple of weeks and brush her every couple of days and she's good to go.  She's a very active dog though so I do not want to run the risk of her getting over heated this summer with all that husky fur on her.

Will post photos after she is  groomed!

Tomorrow I will also be making a trip to the Moberly shelter to photograph some more fur babies that are there.  There are some kittens, and new dogs that need photos.  I'm hoping to be able to use my new back drop holder.  We'll see how that goes.  Could be a flop, crossing my fingers it's not!

I really need to get some more back drop drops. I really love the fuzzy fleece (the bright blue one that I have I want some pink, green, purple, and orange colors!) And need to work on a few other props to go with the dogs. 

A friend sent me a video of a woman in Texas who photographs dogs at a local rescue group to help them find homes.  She felt the same way I did about shelter photos.  They are awful.  They do not do dogs justice at all.  By looking at the shelter photos that some shelter take.....I can see why no one adopts these dogs.  But if you take the time to get a good photo of the dog it makes a world of a difference.  Even if it is infront of an old ugly garage door. 

This the link to the video she's an amazing woman and I wish I could travel to Texas to have her train me! I wish I had even half an ounce of her talent.  I am NO WHERE near professional. I'm just doing what I can to help these animals.

So keep an eye out  tomorrow evening for some new dogs to be added and some kittens too. I will also be going to visit some pets that are in foster homes at the moment and getting new photos of them so they can get adopted soon to free up some foster homes!

I got to meet Milly and Patches today when I went to the vet's office for medicine for the kittens.  Milly and Patches are a couple of lovely furry ladies who are in the HOUNDS program at the local prison. The training program for shelter dogs.  The ladies were there for a check up since they were having some allergy issues.  GORGEOUS ladies! Wouldn't you know it I didn't have my camera with me! That's a very rare thing, I always have my camera with me so I was kicking myself big time for not having it with me.  So hopefully I can get their photos upon their graduation from the program where they will once again be up for adoption.  Gorgeous gals!

An upcoming event in Moberly will be taking place on Friday, May the 18th at 3pm.  Everyone is invited out to the local DOG PARK that is located at Rothwell Park, to the FURRY FRIENDS Play Date! Everyone is welcome to come on out and walk their dogs and let them run at the amazing new dog park.  I'll admit my girls haven't been there yet so Friday will be their first time! Can't wait to take them out there to make some furry friends.  You can check out the event on Facebook HERE Hoping to see the locals with their dogs at the dog park at 3pm! Thanks to one of my friends for creating  this event, great idea!

Now it is time to feed the kittens one last time before I go to bed, unless they wake me up tonight (which they probably will, but that's ok! That's what babies do!) 


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